Monday, November 19, 2007

Observation 2.1

Friday, November 16
Time: 9:30pm to 10:55pm
Location: Orlando near I4
Light Pollution: There were a couple street lights in the south of the location
Cloud Coverage: Semi cloudy
Instruments: Naked eye
Moon: The moon is currently in its First Quarter Phase. It was located in the Southeastern part of the sky.
Planets: Mars was visible directly overhead. Saturn was hard to distinguish because it wasn't very bright but it was lcoated in the east.
Stars: Deneb was easily seen Southeast to the left of the moon. Fomalhaut in the constellation Piscis Austrinus was also in the southeast of the sky just below Deneb. Polaris was very bright and visible in the little dipper.
Constellations: Pisces was visible in the east but nothing else was visible in that area there were too many clouds. Piscis Austrinus, Aquarius, Grus and Capricorn the fall constellations were all visible in the southeast and most were clear except for Capricorn which was very dull due to light pollution and clouds. Grus was very close to the horizon and was hard to distinguish until another astronomy student I was with pointed it out. Sagittarius was easily viewed with the naked eye in the south. In the southwest was Scorpius close to the horizon where as Ophiuchus was in the southwest sky but high up and towards the right of Scorpius. Most of the sky in the west was cloudy and nothing was distingusihable in this portion of the sky. In the north Ursa Minor was easily seen as well as Cepheus high in the sky but not as high as they usually are.

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