Friday, November 2, 2007

APOD 2.2

This is the picture from the day especially for Halloween. It's called Halloween and the Ghost Head nebula. This nebula is in our very own Milky Way Galaxy and spans about 50 light years. It was taken by the Hubble Space telescope in March 2000. It's official name is NGC 2080 and is one of a chain of "star-forming" regions south of 30 Doraofdus nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The green and reds of the image a produced by three narrow-band-filter images. Two bright regions which are supposed to be the eyes of the ghost, named A1 and A2, are very hot, glowing blobs of hydrogen and oxygen. The bubble in A1 is produced by the hot, intense radiation and powerful stellar wind from a single massive star. A2 has more dust, and it contains several hidden, massive stars.

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