Monday, October 8, 2007

Observation 1.3

Date: October 8, 2007
Time: 10:50-11:35
Place: US 41
Sky conditions: Partly Cloudy

Planets: I was able to see Mars in the northeast close to the horizon

Bright Stars: The stars Vega, Antares, and Altaire were all very bright tonight

Constellations: I was able to identify almost all of the constellations on our star chart except for Hercules whose stars were very dull and hazy. I think I was unable to see them because of the clouds. Two of the stars in the constellation of Hercules were flickering and I looked it up online to see why this was and it said this is because of scintillation as the light passes through the atmosphere of the Earth. As the air moves in and out, the starlight is refracted, often different colors in different directions. Because of this "chromatic abberation," stars can appear to change colors when they are twinkling strongly.

Moon: The moon was not visible, but I believe it's still in the last quarter.

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