Sunday, October 7, 2007

Observation 1.2

Date: October 5, 2007
Time: 8:50-9:45
Place: US 41
Sky conditions: Clear skies

Planets: I was able to see Mars in the northeast

Bright Stars: Venus, Saturn and Regulus formed a triangle. Venus was the brightest of the three. Saturn was the second and then Regulus was the third brightest.

Constellations: I was able to identify Cepheus, Aquila, and Cygnus

Moon: The moon is in it's last quarter and is almost full.

Other:It was extremely clear outside and the amount of stars that were visible were overwhelming. There were a lot of stars that I saw that I had no idea what they were so I went and looked at our star chart and I think I was able to identify Draco and part of Hercules.

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