Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Observation 3.1

Feb. 20
Near the Mall
Lunar Eclipse
Binoculars used for about 30 minutes total
Even though it started to rain the weather didn't affect the view of the third total lunar eclipse this year. This was the last lunar eclipse until December 2010.Before going out to view this spectacle I decided to research it a bit to see if there were any items I needed to see it or any particular details that would make it more interesting. I found out that almost 3 billion people were able to view the eclipse as well. So I went outside with my binoculars and watched as the moon was gobbled up by darkness. I started to watch at around 9 at night the process lasted till a little bit before 11. When I started to watch there was only a partial eclipse but by about 10 it had turned into a total eclipse. This was really cool because many of the stars in the sky that were washed out before were now visible and bright. The eclipse appeared a reddish orange color. If the Earth had no atmosphere, then the Moon would be completely black during a total eclipse. Instead, the Moon can take on a range of colors from dark brown and red to bright orange and yellow.

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