Sunday, January 13, 2008

Observation 2.3

Date: January 7th 2008

Time: 8:20 - 10:10 PM

Location: Boca Grande

Sky Conditions: Clear skies, an hour in partially cloudy

Instruments used: Naked eye, binoculars

Planets: Mars, Jupiter

Bright stars noted: Polaris, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Fomalhaut

Constellations noted: Andromeda, Gemini, Aries, Ursa Minor, Pegasus, Taurus, Cepheus, Pegasus, Cassiopeia, Pisces, Cetus, Pisces Austrinas

Sky objects: M82, M101

Other: Milky Way

Parts of Englewood as well as Boca Grande are excellent places to observe the sky. There is limited light pollution and there is almost always clear skies (at least every time I'm there). I started observing the sky in the West and worked my way to the North and then so on. It was much harder identifying contellations and stars I knew because there were sooooo many visible stars compared to any viewing I have ever done in Sarasota. After about an hour or so the clouds came out for about ten minutes or so and the only things visible were Orion's Belt and a few miscellanious stars. We should do a star gazing session around here sometime!

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