Friday, December 21, 2007

APOD 2.8

This is a portion of today's APOD. The picture is a horizon to horizon view, taken in Beg-Meil France on December 13th. The photo covers 210 degrees in 21 seperate exposures. This full coverage shot makes me feel as though I am actually outside. The picture allows you to look from horizon to zenith to a different horizon and it gives it a realistic view. The scientist writing on the picture, points out different constellations and stars in his summary and then gives a link to the picture with each specific thing labeled. This was such a useful tool and it really helped identify and understand specifically what he was talking about. Seeing the stars and identifying constellations is alot different than identifying constellations on a sheet of paper. The star Sirius rising and the Orion constellation are easiest to identify.

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